COP 26 – Climate Change Conference

Climate Change. Climate Crisis. Climate Emergency. Increased Pollution. Ozone Depletion.

These are few terms that we hear every day, and trust us these are just not Jargons used to represent Climatic Change, but represent a serious issue currently being faced by the mankind.

At present it requires a serious thought to be given to- ‘What we are doing?’ and ‘What measures to be taken to move towards sustainable environment?’, else soon we will be heading towards a catastrophic end.

“To halt the decline of an ecosystem, it is necessary to think like an ecosystem.”

– Douglas P. Wheeler

There was a time when Climatic issues were not considered as a mainstream issue. But today Climatic Issue has become a major concern for all the countries and nations.

And, Declination of Ecosystem is no more just a topic for debate but has become a serious concern for the entire globe. And, to find the solution for the same is now no more an option but has become a necessity.

Ecosystem is declining at a rapid pace, and thus requires a quick, long-lasting solution.

Earth temperature at present is 1% above and warmer than what should be the appropriate temperature, and this requires a serious thought to be given and look after

With continuous and rapid development, we are moving towards becoming developed nation but along with that we are also leading to depletion of ozone layer and declination of ecosystem.

With increased development rate, pollution level is simultaneously is increasing leading to Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, Green House Effect, Increased Carbon Foot-print.

We need to give a serious thought about it, and collectively need to find a solution for the same.

COP 26 (Conference of the Parties)

Recently, COP26 was held in Scotland in November. So, the question here is What Actually Is COP26?

COP26 is the next annual UN climate change conference. COP stands for Conference of the Parties, and the summit will be attended by the countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – a treaty that came into force in 1994.

COP aims to achieve the goals set in UN Framework Convention and keep the world on track for meeting those goals for Climate change.

As per UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and the Paris Agreements (2015), both the environmental treaties state that in order to avoid devastating climate change, we must reduce the amount of harmful warming gases we put into the atmosphere.

What’s the Point of COP?

“Destruction is a man’s will,
Nevertheless Prevention is also a man’s will,
It’s a man’s choice to choose between Destruction and Prevention.”

Babu Rajan

Climate Change is a nightmare that is becoming today’s reality, and is becoming a major concern for all the countries. Rapidly deteriorating climatic conditions are now becoming a threat for a sustainable future.

Climate Change is Real, and we can’t solve climate change individually, and for the same global cooperation is essential. COP26 ensures that the voices of all nations are heard, and we all can set goals which will enable us to move towards a sustainable future, and to minimise the carbon footprint with our collective actions.

COP is being conducted since the mid-90s. Earlier, Climate Change was never considered as a mainstream issue. But, with changing times with the help of many woke groups, it is being considered and is given a serious thought about. Thus, COP26 is conducted, where the voices of all the nation can be heard and can discuss on the different initiatives that can be taken enabling us to move towards a sustainable future.

Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world. It only requires small efforts from our end to bring a change and to move towards a sustainable future.

Major Points of Discussion in COP26, Gaslow.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi addressed everyone at ‘Accelerating Clean Technology Innovation & Development’ session of COP26 on 2nd November focusing on India’s plan to reach Net Zero emission by the year 2070.

Discussed on issues that how fossil fuel industry, though has led us to the path of development, but also resulted in Environmental Declination. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also discussed about how we can adopt alternative methods and can reduce carbon footprint to achieve the goal of Net Zero emission by 2070.

What can be done from our end to contribute towards Net Zero Emission?

Together we can make a difference, and as said earlier it takes collective action to bring a difference. Before discussing what steps can be taken, we must be clear what Net-Zero Emission is?

Net Zero Emission refers to the balance between the amounts of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. It is achieved when the greenhouse gases added is not more than the amount removed. The net emission in this case amounts to zero, hence, net-zero term.

To achieve Net-Zero Emission, following steps can be taken:

1. Use energy more efficiently

Energy that is being used must be used efficiently. Several small steps can be taken from our end on daily basis that will enable us the efficient use of energy, such as, Maximum utilisation of natural source of Light, Turning switches and light equipment off when not in use, Switch to LED Lights etc.

2. Remove Carbon Dioxide from nature.

We should start focusing on our carbon footprint and carbon emission, and should take care that carbon dioxide that is being released in the environment should not be more than that could be absorbed.

3. Switching to electric Mode of Commute, rather fossil-fuel based vehicles.

We should now start look for an alternative in the way we commute. A switch should be adopted in our commuting way, and we need to adopt electric vehicles to reduce the carbon emission produced by fossil-fuel based vehicles.

Fujio Cho (1937- ), honorary Chairman of Toyota Motors; North American International Auto Show, 2004, once said

“Environmentally friendly cars will soon cease to be an option… they will become a necessity.”

Now is the time to make a switch to Electric Vehicles and opt for a sustainable mode of commute.

There is a long way to go, and with all our collective efforts and individual measures can help us to bring the change.

As Greta said, “No One is Too Small to Make a difference.”

We should start making small changes from our end, and those small changes will lead us to the path of difference we want to move ahead at, and these small changes will help us to bring a change in the environment and will enable us to achieve the goals in the set time.

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